Monday, May 27, 2013

The Power of Experience

Did you know that the effectiveness of our communication with others isn't primarily related to the words we choose? In fact, of the total effectiveness of communication, our word choice stands at a mere 7%, while our tone ranks at impressive 38%. So what takes up the remaining 55%? Body language.

Research is showing that much of what companies have assumed about their customer interactions are false. As the findings above seem counterintuitive, so are recent findings about how customers form judgements about products and services, and the companies that offer them. Consider, as just one example, how just these findings should impact the procedures and behaviors of companies that run call centers. If body language constitutes such a huge portion of communication, something that isn't even present in these interactions, then think about how important tone becomes for each and every call.

But there's a substantial amount of research suggesting that a customer's emotions play a pivotal role in the thinking process itself. So important is this role that customers are unlikely to even store for later recall products that are presented to them that aren't tagged with emotional significance. What's interesting about this is that companies have underrated how complex their customers are, in the sense that at every moment we all pick up on clues at both a conscious and unconscious level that form our judgments about products and companies.

Thus, businesses need to take special note of how their interactions and products make their customers feel, because one way or another, they're impacting their experiences in a positive or negative manner. Companies can better harness research findings to create customers that not only speak, but evangelize, on their behalf. It's the emotional connection they make with customers that businesses need to embrace and implement at every level of the organization. Such connection will create higher profits to be sure, but equally important, customers who reach what Chip Conley calls “peak experiences” with the products and services. There's simply no substitute in today's business environment for energized customers who do your marketing for you.

To read more, use the following link for a detailed white paper:

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